A Rodsquad transformation can be achieved with either in-person training and coaching, or virtually, with our online, at-home program.

Size 8 to 0
"I had already decided - if this didn't work, I was giving up. I went from a size 8 to a zero in eleven weeks! This is the first time I've been a zero in my life, not even before my 3 kids!” -Mari, 47, mother of 3

2 Sizes Smaller
“My transformation took longer than the other girls, but I didn't give up. After about 6 months, I feel fit, healthy, strong and 2 sizes smaller! :) ” - Tracy, 50, mother of 4

Size 10 to 0
“The Rodsquad is the most effective program out there. I went from a size 10 to a very fit size 0! I became confident, energetic, and best of all, happy! I’m so proud of my results!” -Marie, 30, mother of 2

Three Dress Sizes Down
"I wanted to get in the best shape of my life for my wedding, so I signed up for Rodsquad. I went down three dress sizes and really toned up in just 6 weeks!! I feel stronger than ever." -Bella, 39

Lost 10 Percent Body Fat
"After having 3 kids, I was overweight and uncomfortable. In my first 9 weeks with Rodsquad, I lost ten percent body fat and my overall weight stayed the same. That means I reached my goal of replacing body fat with muscle! Now that's a transformation!" -Christine, 30, mom of 3

12 Pounds in 6 Weeks
"As a busy medical doctor and mom, I really don't have time to workout a lot or cook healthy meals. Rodsquad was still able to help me lose 12 pounds/ 5% body fat in the first 6 weeks." -Stacy, 53, mother of 2

Changed Forever
“I used to take three aerobics classes and run ten miles each week to get rid of stubborn fat in my midsection, I’d even trained for marathons but the fat just wasn’t going anywhere. Now I can happily say- No more running for me and the fat has vanished!!! I was able to make changes in my diet that will last forever.” -Kristen, 44, mother of 2

Young Again
"I borrowed a dress from my teenage daughter and it was too big! I went from size 6 to a 2 in 12 weeks. Now that I found this new way of living, I'll never go back." -Nikki, 47, mother of 2

30 Points Off Cholesterol
"I tried personal trainers, Jenny Craig, aerobics, Zumba, everything! I even had liposuction, but the fat came back. And now I can’t believe the shape I’m in! I dropped 30 points off my cholesterol and I feel better and healthier than I’ve ever felt my whole life! My confidence and self-esteem have improved tremendously!" -Marie R., 34, mother of 2

From Average Mom to Dream Body
"I really just wanted to challenge myself, and see what I was capable of. I cannot believe how incredible I feel now, and how fast/ easily my transformation happened when I followed Rod's program." -Lisa, 41, mom of 2

Eat More and Exercise Less
"I used to do weights, treadmill, biking and dancing 5-7 days a week. Now I eat more and exercise less than ever before. This program has given me back the figure I had in my 20's!" - Pam, 49

Fast Transformation
"I had been wasting my time and money with a personal trainer 3 times a week for the last 2 years. I finally joined Rod's program and saw amazing results in a short time. I can't believe it worked so well for me!" -Eva, 46, mom of 3, including twins!

Immediate, Lasting Transformation
"The results are immediate, continuous and lasting. I gained more energy, better health and stamina. I'm in better shape than ever. It's also psychologically uplifting." -Meredith, 48

Empowered and Thrilled
"Rod's program taught me how to stop yo-yo dieting and finally eat for health AND to look better. I'm thrilled with the results and I'll never stop." -Elsa, 50, mom of 3

Toned After Baby
"I never dreamed I could be this strong and toned after having a baby. I feel better than ever and my husband is really impressed." -Deisy, 29, mom of 1